Dental Hygiene students furious that less than 50% of Loma Linda curriculum handles dating

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Students feel that all this clinical training is distracting from more important matters...
Students feel that all this clinical training is distracting from more important matters…
LOMA LINDA, Calif. — Weeks away from the start of a new school year, Loma Linda University Dental Hygiene students staged a huge protest today against what they are calling a “grossly unbalanced curriculum.”

Student protesters claim that more than half of the LLU Dental Hygiene curriculum is allocated to “complicated science-y stuff that has nothing to do with finding doctors for us to marry.”

“We are absolutely livid that the Dental Hygiene faculty have seen fit to deny us a real education,” said Brent Field, lead organizer of the protest. “When less than 50% of our curriculum is in any way dedicated to our future marriage prospects, you start to wonder if Loma Linda is worth the sacrifice.”

Many student protesters are expressing their frustration with what they see as false advertising from the university. “Everyone knows that Loma Linda is the end of the line as far as having Adventist dating options is concerned,” said Field.  “Administration needs to wake up and start prioritizing our social lives.”

“Marrying a surgeon is the only reason I took out loans!” said Leslie Camp, holding a “First Things First” banner.  Camp explained that even the part of the curriculum dedicated to dating leaves much to be desired. “I am not OK with electives on seducing dentists. I came to Loma Linda to actually learn.”


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  1. Richard Mills

    Hey, who wants to date or marry someone who has had their hands down a throat or in somebody’s guts all day long or roaming around a cadaver just before having a date? YUCKY!!
    Get a real job like at BK,McDonalds, Five Guys, Sonic, etc. and learn how to cook a delicious unhealthy meal. Look at me!! Better yet, get a job with the denomination then both spouses can work and bring up a family. Woe is me.

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