SILVER SPRING, Md. — The Seventh-day Adventist Church has established a robustly-staffed hotline to which members can report each other of suspected Sabbath violations.
Members are encouraged to simply dial the number 1844, state the nature of the infraction, the name of the erring Adventist and their home church.
General Conference Director of Sabbath Enforcement Rod Handhed told reporters that photographic evidence is encouraged whenever available to substantiate claims.
“If you see your head deacon pulling into an Olive Garden parking lot after church, don’t just dial it in,” advised Handhed. “Get a picture of his license plate and, if you can, one of him walking through the front door.”
Handhed stressed that the more compelling the evidence, the better the case.
“In the Olive Garden scenario, a picture of your deacon paying the bill is jackpot,” said Handhed, advising Adventist Sabbath crime busters to establish their own innocence in any evidence submitted.
“Try to take your picture through windows so the picture not only captures the crime but also a reflection of you standing outside, blameless,” said Handhed.
“You don’t want to give people reason to think you were a few tables over, chowing down on breadsticks.”
Single, separated, divorced and widowed Adventists who want to change that status wanted.