Thursday, November 14, 2024

Adventist AV guys told they cannot blame “technical difficulties” on the Devil


Training needed
Training needed


SILVER SPRINGS, Md. — AV guys across the Adventist world have been warned that blaming feedback, malfunctioning mics and all manner of other technical difficulty on the Devil will no longer be tolerated.

A statement released by the church said that for far too long Adventist AV people have blamed the Devil for their own mistakes.

The email blast stated that the Devil is currently getting far too much credit for what happens in the average Adventist service.

“I don’t know how many times I have heard people at church say that the Devil is working hard to disrupt a service,” said GC Director of PowerPoint Production, Bert Dil, addressing the issue. “Most of the time the problem is that the guys in the AV booth are goofing off and have forgotten to advance the slides.”

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