Friday, February 14, 2025

Ted Wilson gets on Twitter


Ted Wilson is pumped to be on Twitter.
Ted Wilson is pumped to be on Twitter.

SILVER SPRING, Md. — After years of resisting the temptation to join the social platform, General Conference President Elder Ted Wilson created a Twitter account a week ago.

“Happy Sabbath everyone!” debuted @gctedwilson on Saturday, attracting a storm of excited followers.

His confidence growing, Wilson graduated to attaching images by the afternoon, uploading a brightly lit picture of a casserole with a cheery “LOVE MY WIFE’S VEGGIE LASAGNA!!”

Sunday saw more activity on the account: “Just got a new jogging partner — so glad you are visiting the GC this week @WintleyPhipps!!” tweeted Wilson with a pic of the booming baritone of Adventism lacing up his Nikes.

By Monday it became evident that Wilson was embracing hashtags but had not yet figured out private direct messaging. At 7 PM, he fired off “@wilsonwifey I’ll be home in an hour, Tim from Stewardship loves to hear himself talk… #snoozefest”

Two tweets in rapid succession followed an hour later: “@wilsonwifey can’t believe this guy.. sorry…he’s taking forever” and “@gctimmy wrap it up son… before the Second Coming!”

Wilson’s account was then inactive until Tuesday afternoon when the president composed his first policy-related tweet: “@southerncaliforniaconference I swear, if you guys ordain another woman…”

He then squeezed off a speculative “@dwightnelson three people have now told me you guys snuck drums into PMC #TellMeThatsAJoke”

Wilson’s workload appears to have kept him away from social media until Thursday at noon. “Just saw a pigeon fly past my window” tweeted the president to the 15,678 followers he had accumulated since opening the account.

By mid-afternoon Thursday Wilson was ready for the weekend:

3:39 PM: “@WintleyPhipps my office in 5″

3:41 PM: “@WintleyPhipps have any Rook cards? If so, bring ’em with”

4:25 PM: “@WintleyPhipps seriously, where ARE you? FYI am at the donut place for the second time today…#i’mbad”

5:30 PM: “@WilsonWifey am in Macy’s trying on pants (see attached) – do these make me look like Jamie George?”

5:40 PM: “@WilsonWifey …got it.. That’s why I asked. How about these? They feel looser…”

Wilson’s account fell silent for the rest of the day.

After his Friday morning Global Communications committee meeting, a chastened Wilson immediately took to Twitter to admit the obvious: “Sorry Everyone… Was just told that adding the @ sign doesn’t make a message private…”

All subsequent tweets have been simple announcements of sunset times and Hope Channel programming.


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