Saturday, January 18, 2025

All women’s ministries directors must be male


Come end of 2016 a man will stand atop this hill...
Come end of 2016 a man will stand atop this hill…

SILVER SPRING, Md. — A new worldwide target has been set by Adventist Church leaders. All officials with a Director of Women’s Ministries title will be required to be male. The deadline for the transition is the end of 2016.

“This is a perfectly biblical expectation given the overwhelming evidence for the need for males as spiritual leaders. We are allowing every conference, union and division plenty of time to complete the transition,” said Nelson Bertel, one of the church officials tasked with overseeing the transition.

Bertel claims that the church has taken every precaution to minimize career disruption for all females that are currently Women’s Ministries Directors around the world. “Each of these offices are in dire need of better office assistants,” he said.

“There is nothing sexist about this. We think this will send a strong message that we care enough about the well-being of our women to put a man in charge of their spiritual care and nurture,” said Manny Hegel, one of Bertel’s colleagues.

There is also hope that this might tame some of the wildest proponents of women’s ordination. “Women don’t need to be pastors as long as we have kindergarten Sabbath Schools that need supervision,” said Hegel.


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