Friday, February 14, 2025

“Ghostbusters” producers sue Adventist Church for ghost-denying State of the Dead doctrine


Who you gonna call?
Who you gonna call?

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Producers of the new Columbia Pictures cinematic release Ghostbusters have filed a lawsuit against the Seventh-day Adventist Church claiming that it promotes doctrines that threaten the commercial success of the film.

Studio spokesperson Diadel Muerte stressed that Adventist interpretations of the State of the Dead are a “major buzz kill” as the idea of dead people being asleep and returning to dust is anything but a cinematic thrill.

Given the Adventist penchant for tract distribution and other forms of proselytization, Muerte said that more than just current Adventists may be dissuaded from seeing the Columbia Pictures film.

“The Adventist Church’s stance on death flies in the face of the idea of ghosts,” said Muerte. “They basically bust ghosts before our amazing cast can even get to them.”

Muerte said that unless the denomination is silenced, the answer to the question, “Who you gonna call?” will be “The Adventists.”

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