Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Adventist Churches to force visitors to disclose if they are single


New AND single??
New AND single??

SILVER SPRING, Mich. — Visitors to Seventh-day Adventist churches will be asked to stand at the start of services and disclose whether or not they are single starting this week.

Church leaders said that the new protocol would reduce confusion and awkward conversations in church lobbies as regulars try to determine whether or not new arrivals are fair game for Sabbath flirtation.

“This helps everyone,” said General Conference Director of Yoking Efficiency, Beau Hitchens. “Nobody likes the guessing game.”

Hitchens added that while in other denominations marital status could easily be determined by a subtle scan of a visitor’s ring finger, “that isn’t exactly the standard litmus test in Adventism.”

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Single, separated, divorced and widowed Adventists who want to change that status wanted.


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