Saturday, December 7, 2024

GC not ready to recognize a woman as United States president


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SILVER SPRING, Md. — “This has nothing to do with partisan politics,” said General Conference spokesperson Mel Hombre, explaining the Adventist headquarter’s stance on the Democratic candidate for president of the United States.

“We don’t have anything against Hillary Clinton per se but her gender disqualifies her as a leader in too many of our constituent countries,” said Hombre, shaking his head in regret.

“We cannot recognize a female head of state before the voting majority of our leadership around the world would feel comfortable with it.”

Hombre said that consistency was of primary concern to GC leadership, stressing that quite apart from Clinton, the GC has yet to officially recognize Dr. Sandra Roberts, the elected president of the denomination’s Southeastern California Conference.

“We won’t even give a president badge to Dr. Roberts at leadership meetings. It’ll be a while before we OK a woman as the most powerful person on the planet.”

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