Monday, February 10, 2025

Southern to include wedding expenses in graduation fees


Southern does not approve of the necklace...
Southern does not approve of the necklace…

COLLEGEDALE, Tenn. —- A press release from Southern Adventist University has announced that in order to “streamline what often turns out to be nearly simultaneous events,” the university will start including wedding costs in graduation fees that are charged as part of student tution.

The press release said that in addition to including wedding expenses in fees for graduation, students that were getting married on or close to graduation day would be allowed to wear a wedding dress or tux in lieu of the traditional graduation gowns to commencement.

“We take seriously our responsibility as trend setters when it comes to marriage outcomes in Adventist education so we thought we would lead by example and help our young people budget for their big day,” said Southern’s VP for Student Proposals, Casa Dah. “We fully expect Walla Walla to follow suit.”

Analysts are unsure as to what the new fees will do to enrollment figures for the new year as the wedding expenses double the tuition costs of graduating seniors.

To help alleviate the financial burden of the increased tuition, Southern has offered a “scholarship” of 22% off the final year’s tuition for students that get engaged by their junior year.

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