Adventists seek reasons to justify watching Bruce Jenner interview on Friday night

HINSDALE, Ill. —- Curiosity and anticipation ran high in the weeks preceding Diane Sawyer’s interview with former Olympian Bruce Jenner for millions of Americans, even Adventists. Although Read more […]

Burger King to Adventist Children’s Sabbath Schools: “Stop stealing crowns!”

Burger King crowns – the ultimate Sabbath School prop… Photo by Jimmy Mobley MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. — Burger King’s corporate office has registered an official complaint with the North Read more […]

Reformed partyer featured in Sabbath School mission story sick of people knowing his business

SAN DIEGO, Calif. — Romeo Douglas says that the only thing he regrets more than wasting several youthful years on parties and alcohol is agreeing to be featured as the mission story for Read more […]

Badly-supervised Sabbath School felt board time confusing kids’ Bible knowledge

Children’s Ministries directors in conferences across America are hearing the same complaint from parents: Sabbath School is confusing their kids’ knowledge of the Bible. “I’m no Ellen Read more […]