Member Who Brought Actual Chicken to Church Potluck Suddenly VIP

At Eden Springs Adventist Church’s potluck, local church pianist Kay F Cee’s decision to break the vegetarian tradition by bringing actual chicken won her a lot of friends this Sabbath. As Read more […]

7 Adventist Potluck Dishes Ranked According to Awesomeness

Sabbath is coming and you BETTER bring something good to potluck. Here is the definitive ranking of your options: 1) Haystacks  No self-respecting Adventist congregation can go for too Read more […]

Mandatory: Cooking Lessons For Underperforming Potluck Contributors

ADVENTIST WORLD – As of this coming Sunday morning, every Adventist member that consistently turns up to potluck with dishes deemed “underperforming” by 50% or more of their church board, will Read more […]