Friday, February 14, 2025

Adventists trace roots directly to famous Pharisee


See the resemblance?

SILVER SPRING, Md. — The results of a historical study into the pre-Reformation roots of the Adventist Church have led to a man of significant social stature in the New Testament.

The General Conference-based Biblical Research Committee announced today that the Adventist Church could definitively trace its roots back to the Pharisee described in Luke 18 as praying alongside a publican in the temple.

“The Pharisee’s faithful fasting and impeccable tithing record, along with his confident temple posture, identifies him as one of the Remnant,” said BRI spokesperson Juez Principal.

“He was as proud as any modern-day Adventist would be, to not be part of the thieving, evil-doing, adulterating rabble around him.”

Principal added that he was convinced the Pharisee also was vegetarian.

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