Friday, February 14, 2025

ASI Announces “Superspreader Evangelism” Training


COLUMBIA, Md. — Right on the heels of a densely-attended ASI (Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries) convention in the Orlando area during a COVID-related state of emergency, the organization is planning a series of “super-spreader evangelism” training events.

Organizers promise participants at the in-person trainings will learn how to “radiate contagious faith.”

The theme song of the training events is a variation of This little light of mine with a slight variation in one line of the lyrics that will instead say “Hide it under a mask, NO!”

Organizers say they considered asking training attendees to rip off their masks as they sing this particular line. However, as such a small percentage of the ASI crowd bothers with masks anyway, the action was deemed overkill.



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