Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Adventist Keyboard Manufacturer Solves Tithing Problem

SILVER SPRING, Md. - Previously drooping tithing totals around the world have shot up 144 % thanks to the arrival of the first Adventist-made keyboard from Silver Spring, Maryland-based...

Supreme Court Rules Trump Must Produce Tithing Receipts

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- US Supreme Court justices have unanimously ruled President Donald Trump needs to come clean on his tithing records. In the decision, justices...

MSNBC follows Trump tax returns with release of Adventist tithing records

NEW YORK, N.Y.--- After dropping President Donald Trump's 2005 tax returns on a curious public yesterday, MSNBC has promised to release Adventist tithing records...

MTV relaunches ‘Cribs’ with tour of Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists

NEW YORK, N.Y. --- MTV has announced plans to relaunch "Cribs," the much-loved show which flaunted the incredible residences of rich celebrities. The first...

GC Stewardship Department employee wins Maryland Lottery

SILVER SPRING, Md. --- The winner of the Maryland's most recent Mega Millions Lottery jackpot has released a statement saying that he is "at...

Australian Adventist Church sets tithing records by refusing membership transfers out

PERTH, Australia --- East Perth Church's tithe numbers are shattering historic records for Adventism in Australia. While the booming tithe figures have made it...

Collegedale Church instructs members to bring exact change for offering next Sabbath

COLLEGEDALE, Tenn. --- An email titled "URGENT" was sent to the over 3000 members of Collegedale Church this morning in response to what Church...

Electronic scoreboard to track giving in Adventist churches

Adventist churchgoers will notice something different in church this Sabbath. All church sanctuaries will feature an electronic scoreboard to the left of the pulpit. The...