LOMA LINDA, Calif. — Livid Loma Linda residents have taken to the streets of the typically tranquil city in Southern California’s San Bernardino County. The cause for the uproar: news that the telephone area code for the city is changing to 666.
Home to one of the largest concentrations of Seventh-day Adventists in the world, Loma Linda for decades has been seen as a haven for Adventists who have historically attached a range of ominous, apocalyptic meanings to 666 in light of End Time prophesies.
Seventh-day Adventist leaders have urged concerned Loma Linda residents to return to their homes and avoid public displays of anger.
“We must do all we can to combat this unfortunate area code by peaceful means,” said General Conference Director of Superstition Management, Kunst Sprasie.
Sprasie reminded crowds of protestors to remember the “noncombatant example” set by past generations of Adventists.
“And put away those pitchforks,” said Sprasie. “They are not helping one bit.”
Single, separated, divorced and widowed Adventists who want to change that status wanted.