Friday, October 11, 2024

Adventist Home

How to be Adventist in 2024

Breaking Out of the Bubble in 2024: We Adventists love our bubbles, but it's time to branch out and engage with the wider world. Let's shed the "exclusive/peculiar Adventist"...

You Might Be a Conservative Adventist If…

You might be a conservative Adventist if: You never miss a vespers. Your idea of a wild Friday night is inviting friends over to read Ellen...

Ways to Score a Sabbath Lunch Invite

Are you tired of feeling like the only Adventist without a Sabbath lunch invitation? These awkward-yet-effective  tactics are guaranteed to get you invited to...

Adventist BNB launches with 144,000 rental hosts

WORLDWIDE --- Adventist BNB, a service that promises to connect Adventist vacationers and others seeking accommodation with Adventist hosts around the world, has launched...

GC: Women can be ordained as housewives

SILVER SPRING, Md. --- General Conference officials have been working hard to offer some form of concession to placate advocates of women's ordination who...

Loma Linda OB/GYN develops scan determining whether unborn babies are Adventist

This one has got 'General Conference President' written all over her... LOMA LINDA, Calif. --- In an announcement that has led to huge sighs of...

A doctor is born to Adventist parents

Dr. John Lamston has got all the gear... ORLANDO, Fla. --- May and Shawn Lamston are the proud parents of a beautiful 3-month-old baby boy...